…spoke too soon

internet connection

My intentions of cleaning and chilling out were dashed last night by me forgetting the internet connection. To clarify – one man turned up to connect the internet but another was due at some time in the future to actually fit a plug socket for it. As the phone connection is in the kitchen – so are the computers – to be close to the socket (prior to the man with the new socket putting it into the office – aka bedroom 2). …So i had a trailing wire that I tripped over and pulled out of the wall….

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Here in Kiev

temporary internet setup 

Well, it took a while but by anyones standards a day to order an internet connection and have it installed is pretty good going – and all for 25 dollars a month. The flat I am in is typical Ukrainian with its odd quirks – like a washing machine in the bathroom and optional temperature controls that you and I would call windows. It is hot but I am gradually getting it balanced. Continue reading

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2 days to go

This could have been a good day…until I was hit by an Italian Refrigerated articulated lorry. The driver was less articulate though – waving his arms and inferring that I was “too small” – typical Italian – but he never got out a large peppermill which was a blessing.

Damage? One wing and a door. Just when I am about to sell my Smart Roadster – it gets mullered (or cornettoed)… Still, with all the pressure that I am under I just smiled at not having been run over completely….

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