Think lucky

Anyone familiar with living in cold climates will be aware of the new danger that lurks on every street corner, but for those of you in more temperate zones please spare us a thought.

Snow accumulates, thaws and refreezes at night. Gradually this cycle continues until every building is adorned with icicles and every pitched roof has a sheet of ice trying to defy gravity.

Eventually Sir Isaac Newtons laws kick in and you hear a soft whoosh sound (if you are lucky) and a 3 m square 100mm thick piece of ice will slide off the roof three stories up – to the pavement below.

A more deadly attack is from the icicles themselves. Pointed, heavy and without any warning sound to accompany their descent they fall randomly from the numerous balconies. When they land they leave behind a pile of crystals – which when you first see them you can easily ascribe to being some freak of nature – a natural occurrence. No, they are a lucky escape.

Every street therefore has a tangle of red and white tape to warn everyone of the danger overhead…but what can you do? Walk over the frozen snow at the kerb and get sprained ankles / wet feet? Walk along the side of the road and risk being a new badge on a hummer?

In the end you do what the locals do.

Walk through the taped areas and think lucky.

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Think ahead

I know, I know – it has been a while since I wrote anything – life here though seems to take up more time than writing about it. Looking back through the blog it could be argued that I am taking a cynical line towards living here – but in honesty all I am doing is writing about what I see. The funny parts inevitably are related to the Ukrainian system – which is still unfathomable. Take the football match last night….

 It is Ukraine v France. It is coming up to half time and myself and a colleague thought “hmmm, -2 degrees – a coffee would be nice” …so, out we go to the coffee tent to be met by a single man trying to serve 10 people at once. They all wanted coffee.

So far – so good.

Then he turns around

…fills the small domestic kettle with water

….and switches it on.

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Well it is getting decidedly chilly here – and yet today was supposed to be the great “turn on the communal heating day”. No such luck.  So I have battled with the air conditioning controls and – rather like Back to the future – tweaked the “inverter”. Seems to have worked as I am getting some heat and time seems to have spun backwards… the TV is playing Buggles – Oh… it was before.

Please send fingerless gloves.

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